Will Sonys Next PSP Lose the UMD Drive?.
PC World.com 20090315
Photograph: Rick RiznerAfter the former COO of game developer Acclaim David Perry Twittered about the new PSP2 and its lack of a UMD drive, the Internet started paying attention to Sonys oft-forgotten game handheld. Perry wrote, I hear Sony FINALLY has the PSP 2. And thank goodness, theyve removed the stupid battery-sucking UMD disc drive. Im excited! GameDaily BIZ followed up with Perry, who said he was tired of new PSP versions relegated to color changes and baby steps. He then said he was certain the PSP2 would not have a UMD drive, but could not reveal his sources. The PSP clearly needs to change. The UMD drive sucks battery, whirs noisily, and adds extra bulk to a device in an era where thinner is definitely better. If Sony eliminates the UMD ...
Victoria total para el formato OOXML de Microsoft.
Diario Ti.com 20081122
La contienda ha finalizado definitivamente, y el formato Office Open XML (OOXML) es un formato ISO internacionalmente reconocido. Diario Ti: Esta semana, la ISO y IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) han publicado el nuevo estándar que recibirá el nombre oficial de «ISO/IEC 29500:2008, Information technology Document description and processing languages - Office Open XML file formats». document. write();Lo anterior implica que Microsoft ha ganado una importante victoria en sus intentos por conseguir la aprobación del formato estándar del paquete ofimático Office 2007, OOXML como un estándar abierto. El documento que d ...
Siemens PLM optimiza D-Cubed.
Diario Ti.com 20081127
Siemens PLM Software anuncia que sus componentes de software D-Cubed 2D Dimensional Constraint Manager (2D DCM), Profile Geometry Manager (PGM) y 3D Dimensional Constraint Manager (3D DCM) están realizando nuevas y significativas contribuciones en la productividad de diseño de la Version 6 del software NX, la solución de desarrollo del producto digital de referencia de la empresa. Diario Ti: NX6 se adelanta en la utilización de los componentes 2D DCM y PGM, introduciendo nuevas mejoras en las operaciones de perfil y esbozo en 2D. Perfectamente probada con más de 1,5 millones de licencias comerciales en uso en todo el mundo, el 2D DCM es la solución preferida de la industria de diseño asistido por ordenador (CAD) para la configuración de esquemas, gracias a la resolución de restricciones geométricas. El PGM se basa en esta capacidad, soportando las operaciones de esbozo de mayor nivel, tales como los perfiles offset. Algunos ejemplos de nuevas funcionalidades habilitadas por estos componentes en NX6 son un ajuste avanzado 2D DCM para el bloqueo de líneas normales a curvas flexibles y una nueva función PGM para ajustar un punto a un bucle de bordes co ...
Secunia detecta vulnerabilidades en prácticamente todos los PC escaneados.
Diario Ti.com 20081205
El programa de control de vulnerabilidades PSI (Personal Software Inspector) de Secunia, ha encontrado vulnerabilidades en el 98% de todos los PC en que ha sido instalado. Diario Ti: La semana pasada, la compañía danesa de seguridad informática Secunia lanzó su herramienta gratuita de seguridad Personal Software Inspector (PSI), que confirma si los programas instalados en el PC están actualizados con los últimos parches de seguridad. Secunia ha distribuido las primeras estadísticas, basadas en el escaneo de 20. 000 PC. El panorama es bastante sombrío. Según Secunia, sólo el 1,9% de los PC escaneados superaron la prueba sin observación alguna. El resto contiene uno o más programas con potenciales vulnerabilidades; es decir, progr ...
Quotes of Note From 2008.
PC World.com 20081213
So many notable quotes, so little space to recount them -- thats the annual conundrum as we think back on the year and recall comments that stuck with us long after they were uttered. Weve assembled some of those notable comments from stories we wrote and stories we read and offer them here in not-quite chronological order because we wanted to let Oracle CEO Larry Ellison have the last word. So much for holiday spirit It seems Ellis got fed up with Danny being obsessed with the Wii and refusing to play with him. He was told it was his turn on the Wii next, but he took it a bit too literally and used his secret weapon to sabotage the machine. -- Kerry Emsley, the mother of Danny Emsley and his 4-year-old brother Ellis, who ruined Dannys Wii by, well, weeing on it after his brother refused to share. It must surely be counted as a leak. -- Darren Emsley, the boys father, who spent months trying to find the Wii for Danny, commenting that he hoped the accident would be covered by home-owners insurance. Lights! Cameras! Action! In a funny sort of way, I now know why Britney Spears is so screwed up. Id never been to this kind of a photo shoot before. So I flew down to La Guardia and was driven to Soho Studios, which has this cool post-industrial look, which is very good for this kind of thing. I went into this studio and immediately had a makeup person, a wardrobe person and a person who was offering me vegetarian smoothies. And I thought, if you lived in a world where people were doing your hair, your face, dressing you and bringing you smoothies, you might really believe that you are somebody more than an average human. -- John Halamka, CIO of Harvard Medical School and the CareGroup, in a January interview with CIO, talking about his appearance in a BlackBerry advertising campaign. Who cares? Let a marketing person loose for 10 minutes and theyll come up with a category. You can say UMPC or MID, what the hells the difference? -- Phil McKinney, then-CTO at Hewlett-Packard, expressing exasperation at the Consumer Electronics Show regarding various terminology used to describe ultramobile PCs. Feeling Blu As you can probably guess, all of us at Sony are feeling blue today. But thats a good feeling. -- Sony CEO Howard Stringer speaking at CES two days after Warner Bros. announced plans to back Blu-ray Disc. But theres another view of Blu-ray You know, Blu-ray is a bag of hurt. I dont mean from a consumer point of view -- its great to watch movies -- but the licensing is so complex. Were waiting until things settle down and Blu-ray takes off in the marketplace before we burden our customers with the cost of the licensing and the cost of the drives. -- Apple CEO Steve Jobs. Do no evil While the rights theyve reserved themselves are very broad, its probably a case of their actual practice being more conservative. We just have to hope they maintain their stance of not being evil. -- Josh King, vice president for business development and general counsel at Avvo. com, a legal advice site, talking about Googles claims that its terms of service gave it a license to user content in various of its products. Labels All these labels -- geek and nerd and mild Aspergers -- are all getting at the same thing. . . . The Aspergers brain is interested in things rather than people, and people who are interested in things have given us the computer youre working on right now. -- Temple Grandin, an associate professor at Colorado State University, on the connection between people with a form of autism called Aspergers Syndrome and IT professionals. Shortage? What shortage? Weve got four 300-millimeter fabs, so we can really hose this stuff out, said Sean Maloney, executive vice president and chief sales and marketing officer at Intel, explaining in June how the company planned to fix a shortage of its low-cost, low-power Atom processors. By October, the shortage was over. A bunch of what?! I think the OpenBSD crowd is a bunch of masturbating monkeys, in that they make such a big deal about concentrating on security to the point where they pretty much admit that nothing else matters to them -- Linus Torvalds, with characteristic color explaining why hes fed up with security companies hyping software vulnerabilities. Hamilton, Madison, Jay turn in their graves I get t ...
Fast Fixes for Common PC Problems.
PC World.com 20090315
Every computer user hits a speed bump now and then. Whether the bump is a dead power supply, a slow-booting PC, a soaking-wet cell phone, or an e-mail attachment lost in cyberspace, sometimes technology seems more trouble than its worth. But just as flat tires can be patched, most common PC problems can be fixed--and fast! Weve rounded up speedy, simple solutions to hardware, s ...