SSD, i-RAM and Traditional Hard Disk Drives.
Xbit 20081006
Solid State Drives (SSDs) have been a subject of hot arguments since their very announcement. After all, it is the first serious attempt to challenge magnetic storage devices that have long remained unrivalled on the market. We’ll take two SSDs from Samsung to see what differentiates them from the traditional Hard Disk Drive. We’ll have some theory first. In the hard disk drive information is stored on magnetic platters rotating at a high speed. This information is written to and read from the platters by a block of read/write heads. A microcontroller controls the movement of the heads relative to the platters, communicates with the external interface, and works with the cache buffer. Thus, the data-transfer speed depends on the rotation speed of the platters and on the areal data density. Of course, the interface has a limited bandwidth, too, but the interface speed of today’s HDDs is far higher than the speed of reading from the platters. So, the interface only matters for external HDDs which will not be discussed in this article. When processing a large number of small-size data blocks, the HDD’s performance is affected by the algorithms of working with the cache memory which are written into the HDD’s firmware. The reordering of write requests and look-ahead reading influence performance greatly. It’s because data can be stored in different parts of the platters and when the load is random or nearly random (which is typical for many applications from databases to any large collection of small enough files, e. g. your web-browser’s cache) it takes quite a lot of time just to move the heads to the necessary spot above the platter. A mixed load – when the drive has to process a number of requests to two or more zones of the platters – is also difficult. The heads have to be moved actively between the zones – it is then that you can hear the rattle of the heads (the platters do not produce much noise with their rotation). It’s all different with Solid State Drives which store data in a few flash memory chips governed by a microcontroller. Flash memory is EEPROM or Electronically Erased Programmable Read-Only Memory. It consists of a number of cells based on NAND or NOR logic. This type of storage features a very low read time (the necessary cell only has to be found and read) but a rather high write time (the existing data must be erased from the cell before writing new data into it). The access time is increased greatly for multi-level cell organization. As opposed to the single-level cell design, when writing you have to read all data from the cell, modify them, erase the cell, and then write new data. However, MLC memory is cheaper to manufacturer and offers larger storage capacities. So, what are the advantages of Solid State Drives? First of all, it is the low access time for read operations. Second, the consequence of the low read access time, an SSD features a very high speed of random reading, which is comparable to its sequential read speed. With flash memo ...
Skype reconoce que sufre el control del Gobierno chino.
El 20081006
La empresa de telefonía por Internet Skype ha reconocido que los mensajes de texto enviados a través de su versión china pueden ser controlados por las autoridades. Poco después de que un investigador canadiense revelase el espionaje chino de su sistema, la empresa dijo haberse enterado anoche de que esta práctica fue cambiada sin nuestro conocimiento o consentimiento y estamos extremadamente preocupados. Nos disculpamos sinceramente por la violación de privacidad en relación con los mensajes de texto en los servidores chinos de TOM, ha asegurado la compañía tras la revelación, para añadir que la firma estaba resolviendo el problema de forma urgente con TOM. En las últimas horas, un investigador canadiense advirtió que China está espiando a los usuarios del popular sistema de Internet Skype para detectar conversaciones que incluyen términos considerados delicados por Pekín como la independencia de Taiwán o el grupo Falun Gong. La alegación está incluida en el estudio titulado Breaching Trust: un análisis de prácticas de vigilancia y seguridad en la plataforma TOM-Skype de China escrito ...
How Do I Back Up a Pre-USB PC?.
PC 20081006
Back in the days before USB 2. 0, I was tempted to start every backup article with the same dumb joke: Backing up is hard to do. Luckily, easy backups dont require USB If you have broadband Internet access (DSL or cable). Just back up over the Internet. I recommend Mozy Home for the best and easiest backup for the price ($5 a month). But if youre accessing the Internet through dial-up, youll need to supplement your old hardware with more old hardware. Buy an internal or parallel port-based external backup drive with removable media such as tape or disk cartridges. Iomegas Zip drives, which use disk-based c ...
Google y Yahoo! aplazan su asociacion para publicidad en Internet.
El 20081006
MOUNTAIN VIEW (EEUU). - Las empresas de Internet Google y Yahoo! aplazaron la implementación de su asociación en el sector de la publicidad, informaron las propias firmas, sin brindar detalles. Se trata de un pequeño retraso, señalaron las empresas, quienes indicaron que siguen las conversaciones con las autoridades antimonopolio. Algunas compañías publicitarias y competidoras, como Microsoft, se pronunciaron en contra de la asociación, argumentando que podría limitar la competencia. Yahoo! anunció este acuerdo para contrarrestar un plan de adquisición, que finalmente fracasó, por parte de Microsoft. En el inicio de la colaboración, que en principio estaba prevista para este mes, ciertas publicidades vendidas por Google iban a ser publicadas en algunas páginas de Internet servida por Yahoo! en Estados Unidos y Canadá. Yahoo! iba a recibir una parte de la facturación. Google ...