Western Digital 1TB Drive Creates Dilemma for Laptop Buyers.
PC World.com 20090729
Its pretty much a given that solid state drives (SSDs) are the future of PC storage, and that hard drives are on the way out. But if youre buying a laptop today, which option is best? The latest notebook drives, like Western Digitals Scorpio Blue 1-terabyte model, are astonishingly huge and relatively cheap. Priced at $250, the 1TB Scorpio Blue has more storage than most consumer laptop users will ever need. Amateur filmmakers shooting HD video may want a 1TB drive, but the rest of us could get by with a lot less space. Even the 750GB Scorpio Blue, which sells for a very reasonable $190, is probably overkill for the average user. Smaller and less expensive hard drives are always an option, of course. But if youre shopping for a premium notebook in the $1500-and-up range, the SSD vs. HD debate may be the hardest part of configuring your system. Which Is Best? Solid state drives are faster than hard drives, at least most of the time. Microsoft recently announced it has fine-tuned Windows 7 to run faster on SSDs, although it hasnt worked out all the kinks yet ...
Un hacker británico pierde apelación contra extradición a EEUU.
Ibl News.com 20090731
Un británico buscado en Estados Unidos por entrar en las redes de la NASA y el Pentágono en el mayor pirateo militar de todos los tiempos perdió el viernes una apelación contra su extradición, lo que hace más probable un juicio estadounidense. Embedded video from CNN VideoGary McKinnon, de 43 años, ha luchado durante tres años para evitar la extradición y acudir ante el Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos, pero parece haber agotado las opciones ya que la Corte Suprema británica falló el viernes en contra de su última apelación. La corte rechazó los argumentos de los abogados defensores de que la extradición de McKinnon, a quien recientemente se le ha diagnosticado el síndrome de Asperger, una forma de autismo, podría tener consecuencias desastrosas para su salud, como psicosis y suicido. Los jueces también desestimaron sus peticiones para una revisión del caso. Los abogados habían desafiado una negativa del fiscal jefe británico para permitir que McKinnon fuera juzgado en Reino Unido, lo cual habría evitado la necesidad de una extradición. Por las razones fijadas en el fallo, se desestiman las demandas contra la secretaría de estado y la Fiscalía británica, dijo el juez Stanley B ...
Sony redobla sus esfuerzos para luchar contra el Kindle.
El Pais.com 20090806
En una clara estrategia para conseguir una posición en el mercado de los libros electrónicos y plantar cara al absoluto dominador del sector, el Kindle de Amazon, Sony venderá a partir de finales de mes dos nuevos lectores. El Pocket Reader (PRS-300) tiene una pantalla de cinco pulgadas y costará 199 dólares (cerca 140 euros) y el Reader Touch, (PRS-600) con una pantalla más grande, igual que la del anterior lector de Sony, y sensible al tacto, por 299 dólares (unos 200 euros). Éstos sustituirán a los anteriores, el 505 y el 700 que cuestan 269 dólares (unos 213 euros) y 399 dólares (unos316 euros). Además, la compañía japonesa rebaja sus libros de 11,99 a 9,99 dólares, estrategia que ha seguido también la cadena Barnes & Noble a través de su eReader. com y que está destinada a competir con el precio impuesto por Amazon para sus libros y que ha generado no pocas quejas de los usuarios, ...
Manage iPhones With Exchange.
PC World.com 20090803
Manage iPhones With Exchange Latest Net Work Posts: Monday, August 03, 2009 Manage iPhones With Exchange Thursday, July 30, 2009 Everybody Panic! The iPhone Has a Vulnerability! Thursday, July 30, 2009 Apple App Rejections Alienate Business Users Thursday, July 30, 2009 Hi, I'm Michael Scalisi Monday, June 29, 2009 Better Business Endpoint Security Solutions All Net Work Posts More Business Center Blogs When iPhones first started trickling into my office, I was a little apprehensive. At the time they only supported IMAP and POP3 for e-mail, which can be tricky to support in an Exchange environment. Two generations later, the iPhone has become a robust enterprise-grade mobile device. Slowly but surely, my users have been migrating from their BlackBerrys to iPhones. I’m happy to help them make the transition. iPhones are simply easier to integrate with Microsoft Exchange. Supporting BlackBerrys in an Exchange environment involves one of two scenarios. The simple but kludgey method involves configuring them to pull e-mail from the Outlook Web Access (OWA) server. This requires no admin assistance, but e-mail delivery is delayed and the connection can break in a server outage. The alternative is to use a Blackberry Enterprise Server (BES). This requires an enterprise data plan for each device which can cost an additional $10-$15 dollars per month. It also involves additional fees for both server and client licenses. The advantage of using a BES is that it provides a huge amount of granularity in controlling the policies of RIM mobile devices. This is great for large organizations with strict policies and large budgets, but frustrating for smaller businesses that just want to enable their employees’ connectivity. For businesses running Exchange, integrating the iPhone is much simpler. ActiveSync on the iPhone is natively supported on both Exchange Server 2003 and 2007. If you are already running an OWA server configured to use SSL with port 443 open on your firewall, you have already done the hard part. On the iPhone side, you simply go into the mail account settings and create ...
Hands On: Glide Adds New Micro-blogging App.
PC World.com 20090806
TransMedia, creator of the Glide cloud computing OS and suite of apps, will Wednesday announce the latest addition to its app setâ€Glide Engage, a micro-blogging tool with a lot of social media sharing functionality layered on. Versus Twitter First things first. Engage will no doubt be measured against micro-bloggings reigning champ, Twitter, and there are some important differences. Engage allows you to micro-blog messages of 1,400 characters in length, which addresses the sometimes confining 140-character limit of Twitter. You can also embed media files and links in your posts with a single click. Your media files are organized in the background in the Glide file management system, which allows users to store as much as 10GB of their docs and media in the cloud for easy access, sharing and collaboration with other Gliders. Compared to the Twitter community, the Glide community is tiny. But Glide,TransMedia CEO Donald Leka tells me, now hosts just over a million users and is adding about 2,000 more every day. As with Twitter, as you begin posting messages, links, media, etc. , some of those community members might find you engaging and then start following you. Of course you may begin to notice the same users posting stuff you like, and then begin following them. In short, using Engage feels a bit like using Twitter, but with a lot more control and functionality happenning in the background. But micro-blogging is just the first level. You can also initiate discussion groups with just a few clicks, inviting just the members of the community you want to participate. Afterwards, if the discussion was worth keeping, you can output the whole thing as a PDF or word processing document with one click, and review or share the transcript later. Engage also provides an impressive collaboration workspace, called Meeting, where you and your invitees can call up any type of file, view it, discuss it and make changes to it. During the demo today, Mr. Leka pulled up both a music and a video file, played them, then began both a text-based chat and a video/voice chat with me to discuss the media in real time. As in the micro-blogging and discussion groups functions, you can set exacting permissions around who may do what with the files you share. Some users may only read the files, while others may be given permission to edit them, but only in a certain time frame, for instance. Engage is the latest of some twenty Glide productivity apps, which indclude word processing, photo editing, web presentation, web publishing, spreadsheet, and many more. The Glide applications are closely integrated with the Engage app, so that Glide users don’t have to move between various siloed applications in order to modify and share various types of files (i. e. music, photo, word docs, etc. ) The Austria of Cloud Computing But by far the coolest thing about the Glide cloud computing platform is that it is both OS and device-neutral. Leka says the Glide OS and app suite was built from the ground up to allow participation by virtually anyone, regardless of their desktop or mobile OS, or their device type. Glide works on Windows, Mac, Linux, Solaris desktop OS’s, and on the iPhone, Blackberry, Palm, Android, Symbian and Windows Mobile mobile platforms. Glide’s OS- and device-agnostic approach really pays off in the new Engage app. For instance, if you share a ...
Campus Party ha evolucionado en paralelo a las tecnologías, asegura su fundadora (EN DIRECTO).
Ibl News.com 20090729
La fundadora de la Campus Party Belinda Galiano manifestó que los organizadores están muy contentos con la actividad después de muchas semanas de preparativos. Galiano se pronunció de esta manera en declaraciones a los medios de comunicación, acompañada por la consellera de Justicia y Administraciones Públicas, Paula Sánchez de León, tras ser recibida por el presidente de la Generalitat, Francisco Camps, en un encuentro que se prolongó durante más de una hora y en el que también participó otro de los fundadores de la Campus Party, Francisco Regageles. La responsable del evento explicó que durante la reunión aprovecharon para invitar al jefe del Consell a visitar la actividad y apuntó que estuvieron charlando de cómo hacer cosas con las tecnologías, y hemos quedado para ver si nos vemos en septiembre y seguimos avanzando en algunas cositas de las que hemos hablado relacionadas con la filosofía de Campus Party, en el sentido de cómo la tecnología puede servir a cualquier ser humano en su uso cotidiano y cómo puede solucionar el día a día de un ciudadano normal. Subrayó que la Campus Party, que se prolongará hasta el próximo 2 de agosto en la Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias de Valencia, ha cambiado muchísimo puesto que comenzó con 250 participantes y ahora son 6. 000 personas las que vienen a estar una semana. Además, indicó que ha evolucionado en paralelo a las tecno ...