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Un ataque a un bloguero georgiano cerró Twitter.
El 20090808

Los ataques que paralizaron el jueves por la tarde los servicios de redes sociales en Internet como Twitter o Facebook fueron obra de piratas informáticos rusos y apuntaban contra blogueros georgianos con motivo del primer aniversario de la guerra del Cáucaso. Ésa es la teoría que más fuerza cobraba anoche. Según el experto ruso en Internet, Antón Nósik, detrás de la caída del servicio estuvo el movimiento juvenil pro Kremlin Nashi (Los nuestros), que atacaban a, entre otros, uno de los blogueros más conocidos de Georgia, cuyo seudónimo es Cyxymu -en cirílico se lee como el nombre de la capital de la separatista región de Abjasia-. Los ataques fueron respuesta a los textos en los que Cyxymu acusaba a Rusia de invadir militarmente Georgia hace un año para arrebatarle sus dos regiones se ...

Top 10 Open Source Apps for Windows .
PC 20090806


Microhoo at Last and Lots of Security News.
PC 20090731

Well, we can all sleep a little easier now that Microsoft and Yahoo have finally announced details of the search deal they have worked on for months (and that has kept some of us on the edge, as tidbits of the story had an unsavory habit of breaking on weekends). All of the details, and then some, can be found by following the links in this weeks top entry. Otherwise, with the Black Hat conference under way, there was a load of security news, with DefCon to follow this weekend (no rest for the weary). 1. Microsoft and Yahoo sign search deal, take on Google, CEOs: Devil was in details of Yahoo, Microsoft search tie-up and Microsoft-Yahoo deal: Why you stand to lose: After tracking this would-be news for about a year, all we feel is relief that it was finally announced. Now we can shift attention to whether Microsoft and Yahoos big search deal, once approved by regulators, will work out for them and for users. 2. Clampi Trojan revealed as financial-plundering botnet monster: The news of a massive botnet associated with more than 45,000 Web sites and capable of stealing financial data is one of those instances that makes us wish that superheroes were real and that we could sic Batman on the bad guys and just end this nonsense once and for all. 3. Sensitive data compromised by SSL encryption flaws: Flaws in the software that uses SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption could compromise sensitive personal data, security researchers said. The problem apparently is in the way SSL has been implemented into many browsers and also in the X. 509 public key infrastructure system. (And there is more unsettling security news ahead in numbers five and eight. )4. Apple: Jailbreaking could knock out transmission towers and EFF: Apples claim that jailbroken iPhones can crash cell towers a hill of beans: Theres nothing quite like a public spate to spice up the headlines. Apple told the U. S. Copyright Office as part of a review of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act that unauthorized modification of the iPhone OS -- so-called jailbreaking -- could cause major network disruptions, including the possibility of crashing transmission towers. The claim was made in response to a request by the Electronic Frontier Foundation that such modifications do not violate the DMCA and should be permitted. So, the EFF responded to Apple by saying, more or less, get real! 5. Extra & in Microsoft development code gave hackers IE exploit: The bug is simply a typo, said Michael Howard, ...

Los investigadores del virus Conficker presionan a un experto para abandonar una charla.
Ibl 20090730

Los investigadores que buscan a los criminales que infectaron a millones de computadores con el famoso virus Conficker están intentando limitar el acceso a la información sobre sus creadores. Los investigadores presionaron a uno de los más reconocidos expertos del mundo sobre cibercrimen para que se retire de una charla sobre los orígenes y motivaciones del grupo detrás del ataque del Conficker. El experto debía discutir el tema el jueves en la conferencia de seguridad Black Hat en Las Vegas, uno de los principales foros del mundo de intercambio de información sobre amenazas de internet. Se me pidió que no fuera (a la reunión) debido a una investigación en curso, dijo el miércoles Mikko Hypponen, jefe de investigación de la firma de seguridad en internet F-Secure, en una entrevista. Hypponen rehusó decir qué agencia le solicitó retirarse de la conferencia y no quiso explicar por qué le pidieron hacerlo. Los investigadores criminales a veces intimidan a las personas para que no revelen información delicada sobre crímenes debido al temor de que los datos puedan alertar a los sospechoso ...

BusinessObjects Service Pack Woes Anger Users.
PC 20090806

A new service pack for SAPs flagship BusinessObjects BI (business intelligence) platform is reportedly taking an exceedingly long time to install, presenting significant logistical problems, according to angry users posting gripes on an independent message board. I had to cancel the installation on our DEV box after 18 hours, user RGeurts wrote last week about the pack, which is for BusinessObjects XI 3. 1. Does anyone know if BO will release a more stable release of SP2. Because an 18-hour installation of a service pack seems to be totally unacceptable for me. We simply cannot have the DEV box down for that long. Another poster called the pack a joke, expressing shock and bewilderment at its sluggish install process. Kicked it off at 9:00 this morning with no anti-virus running and ran it in quiet mode on a server doing nothing, clarej wrote. Seven hours later and its just finished gathering information. Wh ...

Areca ARC-1680ix-16 SAS RAID Controller Review.
Xbit 20090729

About three years ago we got a SATA RAID controller ARC-1220 from the then-obscure Areca. It proved to be so good that it became the basis for the testbed we have used to benchmark HDDs in RAID arrays. Today, weve got another product from Areca called ARC-1680ix-16. It is based on a faster processor and supports SAS drives. Like its opponents, Areca has released a whole generation of SAS-supporting products. The ARC-1300 series is the simplest, offering 4 to 16 SAS ports but no RAID functionality. The ARC-1212 and ARC-1222 series are full-featured RAID controllers that offer 4 and 8 external ports, respectively, and support all the standard array types. And finally, the ARC-1680 series provides the widest functionality, and it is an ARC-1680 series controller that we are going to test today. Closer Look at Areca ARC-1680ix-16The new series offers controllers to everyones taste: with external or external ports or a combination thereof. All models of the series fall into two groups: low-profile and full-size. The first group includes RAID controllers with 8 ports in all combinations. Areca is somewhat unclear on that point but it looks like all models of this group have more modest specs: a dual-core processor with a clock rate of 800MHz and 512 megabytes of DDR2-533 SDRAM. The full-size models, including the 16-port sample that weve got, are somewhat more exciting. Their Intel IOP348 processor is clocked at 1. 2GHz whereas their 512MB of memory is not soldered to the PCB but installed as a standard 240-pin DDR2-533 module with ECC. It means you can replace this module with a larger one if you want to. The manufacturer claims the controller support modules with capacities up to 4 gigabytes. We could not find an unbuffered 4GB module with ECC (a buffered module would not work) but a 2GB module worked normally. ...

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